Poetry Panache 2023

I am enjoying my retirement years by indulging in my hobby
 of writing poetry, and I love it.  I love being published on the Internet,
because that has enabled me to make so many new and
wonderful friends worldwide.  I feel that WebPages are almost a
"new" art form, because the combination of poetry with 
appropriate artwork and music makes a complete and wonderful
package - a new dimension freely available to anyone for the asking.
I feel so privileged to be allowed to play a small part
in this new and challenging medium.


by Virginia (Ginny) Ellis

We are military women,
Who’ve never left this land for war,
Our battleground is here at home,
And our home’s what we fight for.
Our attire has no insignia,
No ribbons, epaulets, or bars,
No shining medals of distinction,
No gold, or bronze, or silver stars.
Our normal dress is jeans and sweats,
That’s a sort of uniform, I s’pose,
Just right for what we do at home,
Thus, they must be military clothes.
Our duty is to keep our homes,
As safe as safe can be,
And to keep the home fires burning,
For dear ones here and overseas.
We’re mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts,
We’re worriers . . . and warriors,
We stand tall and do not fall
Indeed, we are superior.
We are an army of strong women,
Who do not jump to buglers’ horns,
We bear no destructive weapons,
And our jeans are uniforms.
We tend and tend and tend again
To our families and our homes,
With all our might, we fight and fight
To win our wars and hold our own.

(C) January 2009 Virginia (Ginny) Ellis
Read more poetry of Ginny’s here.

Published in Heart of a Military Woman:
Stories and Tributes to Those Who Serve Our Country

by Sheryl Roush and Eldonna Lewis Fernandez.

All original and true short stories, poems, and tributes from military personnel, their families and loved ones.

Gina Ann Day can be found here for now:

This above link goes to the old version.  NEW I am creating a new page for my poetry @
BECAUSE there is an issue connecting to some of the older awesome pages, I have chosen to post them individually here and to the left. The biggest issue is I cannot at this time edit or update the pages! I am sorry for any inconvenience. Perhaps in the near future, I can redesign and create these beloved pages so I can edit them to match our current theme. So, beware the links on these pages may not work, but the links should go to a new window.
Individual Pages from the past are as follows;

© Gina Ann Day 2023 Updated
Poets and authors retain copyright to their work; obtain a poet's permission before using a poem or excerpts from a book in any form.
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